Although our change in ministry has removed some of the necessity for me to be innovative and tinkerish, I still continue to work on projects. We can still benefit from them, it helps me stay sane, and it's just part of me.
Now that we're a bit more settled (can I really say that?), we have been trying our hand at chicken farming (5 hens) and gardening. We're not really actively involved in either, but want to improve and make the most of our resources. The dirt here is very sandy and it is tough to garden in, so we need some good compost to fix it up.
Ever since I first saw a commercial compost tumbler years ago, I have thought about making one. My parents have always had a compost pile for their garden and I wondered if we could "cook" it more efficiently. I have looked at many designs on the internet and had filed a few away "for the future," meaning: once we're settled.
During our CLA English practicum in June, I decided to finally build one, since I needed projects to do during which the students could spend time with me.
First, I bought a barrel and hauled it home:
Then I cut a hole in the side with my circular saw. It's just big enough to get my flat-bottom shovel into it easily.
I used rivets to re-attached the door with hinges and slide bolts.
There are a variety of ways to make it tumble. I chose to build a base with casters mounted on it upside down to support it. A note on this: I used some steel 2.5" casters that I had on hand, but they really need to be bigger, especially wider, with bearings. It's a bit hard to turn sometimes.
I put it out by the chicken house and I occasionally rake their yard to collect the manure, bedding (woodshavings), and leftover veggie scraps to throw in to it. I also throw in grass clippings and ash from the barbecue. It is definitely cooking! When I checked it at about 8:30 on this 64*F morning, it was steaming as I opened it and the sun had barely just hit it.
I can't wait to see if we get some good dirt out of it!
Update: We emptied it today! Read about it and see the results in this post here!