Friday, January 2, 2015

Project: Dollhouse Cubbies for Christmas!

Perhaps the most fun that Kaylee and I have ever had giving a gift was two years ago when we bought Hearts for Hearts dolls for Christmas.  We purchased the dolls, but we also made beds and bought furniture at a miniatures market.  It was a month-long project that we both enjoyed and they have been a regular part of the girls' playtime ever since.  Kaylee has also greatly expanded their wardrobe with various dresses, outfits, and jammies that she sews in her spare time.

The problem is that they have just been set up on the floor in the corner for the past two years.  Not only does it make them a bit hard to play with, it's a poor use of space.  When we decided to stay here a year ago, Kaylee started thinking that a cubby-style "house" might be the best way to get them off the floor, give the girls some more storage, and allow them to personalize their space.

Finally, last month I made it happen.  It was a simple enough project, just some plywood and paint.  I built the cabinets the week before Christmas and every time the girls asked me what they were, I said, "Oh, just some cabinets that Mommy asked me to make."

Kaylee did all the painting. She even mixed her own custom colors for the second floor of each.

Our big plan was to set them up the living room for Christmas morning, but we didn't realize that the girls already had plans.  They had picked out jammies for Christmas Eve and outfits for the following morning and were planning to make a night of it.  I convinced them that the dollies would enjoy camping next to the Christmas tree, so they set them up and then headed to bed themselves.

After giving them an hour or two to make sure they were sleeping and not going to show up with one of the 100 excuses they have, Mr. and Mrs. Clause got to work and this is what greeted Anne, Addi, and Lydia when they came downstairs on Christmas morning:

Kaylee had also made a new dress and scarf for each one and we found umbrellas just the right size in the market!

And finally, this is how their doll corner of the play room looks now:

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